Friday, March 8, 2013


I found an article about workout after 40; it is an article with information about workout. The article is about being 40 and still wants to workout.

Quotes from the article: Being 40 and still wants to workout.

Here’s the good news: “As you pass 40 — and even approach 50 or go beyond — it’s not that difficult to maintain most of your muscle mass, so long as you train smart,”

“View the glass as half full and strategize about how you can fill it a bit more by using smart ideas rather than by trying to work out the same way you did when you were younger,” Feliciano says

In the article is also information about cardio workout

Quotes from the article: Cardio workout

 Performing the same type of cardio over and over may also weaken collateral muscle groups,” Feliciano says.

To do this, include a specific number of HIIT sessions in your cardio work. For each interval, go as hard as you can for 60 to 90 seconds, then take as long as you need to recover. Slowly work up until you’re able to perform four to five of these intervals during a 15- to 20-minute cardio workout.

Link to the article

If you want to read the article click on the article link Old School.

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